There is no darkness but ignorance. ~William Shakespeare

Be part. Take part.
"Be the change you want to see in the world." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Discuss issues. Be a citizen of the world.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Objective 1: LEARN

My daily consumption of Western music, TV series and movies shows how globalized I am.

Objective 2: LEARN

This painting, Scream, (Norwegian: Skrik; created in 1893–1910) is the title of expressionist paintings and prints in a series by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, showing an agonized figure against a blood red sky. The landscape in the background is the Oslofjord, viewed from the hill of Ekeberg, in OsloNorway.

The Scream by Edvard Munch
At the time of painting the work, Munch's manic depressive sister Laura Catherine was interned in the mental hospital at the foot of Ekeberg.
One theory advanced to account for the reddish sky in the background is that the powerful volcanic eruption of Krakatoa tinted the sky red in parts of the Western hemisphere for a few months in 1883 and 1884, about a decade before Munch painted The Scream.
The Scream has been the target of several high-profile art thefts. In 1994, the version in the National Gallery was stolen. It was recovered several months later. In 2004, The Scream was stolen from the Munch Museum. It was recovered in 2006. 

The environment of The Scream is often compared to that which an individual suffering from depersonalization disorder experiences, such a feeling of distortion of the environment and one's self. 

The Scream. Retrieved from

Although it's obvious that this painting was a product of suffering, pain and depression, and that it's a bit weird, I consider it a work of art.

Objective 3: IMAGINE

I can say that I can survive without these products of globalization but truthfully, in our world today, with globalization at its peak, I cannot last for a month without:

1. eating imported food. 
No McDo?, no imported chocolates?, no pizza?, that would be excruciating.

2. watching Western movies/TV series.
No HBO? Star Movies? No Hollywood crap? that works for me, not really, I would miss them too.

3. listening to Western music.
Life without music sucks.

In conclusion, globalization cannot be avoided. What we need to do is learn how to control our intake of these things and learn to support our domestic products!

Missions Accomplished

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Objective 1: LEARN
Think about this — if states are supposed to protect their citizens, then why has recent history seen a spate of revolutions against the state?

States are imperfect, we know that, take for an example, the Philippines. Some things, they just could not handle, more importantly protecting the rights of their citizens. Some politicians are either too busy draining the economy and its reserves or too busy looking good for the next election. This failure of the state adds to its inefficiency and legitimacy which makes revolutions against the ineffective state inevitable. States do not listen to the population, thus, people resort to demonstrations to address their concerns. Media as a tool for addressing the population's concerns has been the most powerful of all.

This is applicable to the Anti-Planking Bill which is absurd.

Objective 2: ACT
Curious much

Objective 3: IMAGINE

Egypt's Future

With the oust of Mubarak from the presidency, Egypt moves on from dictatorship to democracy. The right to vote is finally exercised and elections are held in an orderly manner. The elected officials then address the population's concerns, improve their human rights record, reform their laws and make it convenient to the people, and improve the economy. The people must be patient for the change they wish for it is not hurried. With the help of the other states and international organizations, Egypt will flourish. Tourism might be the economic driver which would make Egypt a stable state. 

Mission 4 Accomplished

Monday, October 3, 2011


Objective 1: LEARN

I have two causes in mind that I believe in. They are saving animals and saving the environment. 

I choose to prioritize our environment, mainly, for it is where all living things take shelter and obtain food, including us. Secondly, it concerns everything and everyone. If the environment looses its capacity to provide our basic needs, we'll be extinct just like most endangered animals are now.

I chose GreenPeace for its interests, to ensure the ability of our planet to nurture life in all its diversity and to work on issues concerning our environment, are the same with mine. It is one of the most transparent or visible NGO in the world not only because it works internationally but also because it has been seen in action working on issues that concerns our environment. It has worked on issues such as deforestation, commercial whaling, anti-nuclear issues and most importantly, global warming.

Objective 2: ACT

I have made an alliance with my friends who believe in the same cause as I am which is saving the environment. Since we believe in saving our environment, me and my friends walked to our place of destination instead of riding a jeepney or using a car. We wore green shirts and we made up a slogan: "Kung malapit, lakarin mo na."

Objective 3: IMAGINE

A world where NGOs are primary actors in the international arena

NGOs are much like states as primary actors. They  have arguments on what issues to undertake which would be of great benefit to everyone and the world. Each NGOs believe that their causes are more important than the others. Self-interest is an issue which NGOs and states share. As a counterpart for great powers, there are great NGOs which consist of the most popular NGOs in the world, such as, World Wildlife Fund, Amnesty International and GreenPeace. Others are in the middle. The others considered as small NGOs, the local ones.

The only difference is that there are much more players in the international arena than ever before. It's much more chaotic, however, with the absence of war just plain "diplomacy".

Mission 2 Accomplished

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Objective 1: LEARN



Objective 2:  ACT

Contacting him was not easy. I tried looking for him on twitter and facebook but none of them are his real accounts.

I searched for his official page or blog but nothing came out. He has a fan mail address but then it would take me weeks or months, more likely, I wouldn't get a response at all for he is a very busy person.

Fortunately, there are relevant web pages that helped me get quite familiar of his childhood experiences during the Second World War, ironically, Wikipedia was one of them.

These web sites are my contact with Mr. Polanski, director of one of my favorite movies, "The Pianist".

I chose Roman Polanski because he had a rough childhood, witnessing the horrors of the Second World War, and still he managed to pursue his dreams and become the man he is today, a renowned  director. He was taken away from his family and he was not given the chance to say goodbye to his mother. He never saw her again. He is an inspiration to people who are going through tough times achieving their goals.

Objective 3: IMAGINE

Diplomacy is the the best way to restore the balance of power in the international system causing no deaths and destruction. Talking it out will prevent costly wars and promote the development of international relations.

Strengthening Economic Relations is another means to restore the balance of power in the international system today, primarily because globalization has become an international trend and states are dependent from their economy to supply their needs, may it be, military or humanitarian.

Mission 2 Accomplished

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Objective 1: LEARN
A taste of reality in other parts of the world

As I was playing the game 3rd World Farmer, I was completely bothered by the fact that Third World countries, the Global South which includes the Philippines, are experiencing such dreadful situations, examples taken from the game: harvest fails, dry season, fires, civil wars, raid by geruilla forces, stolen livestock because of refugees, animal diseases and presence of corrupt officials, which bring about problems in the standard of living of the countries' population. The Global North, on the other hand, does not experience such situations, and the population are living in the comfort of their homes.

To overcome the disparity between the Global North and the Global South, we must:

  • allow sustainable development.
  • alleviate poverty
  • promote biodiversity
  • provide economic assistance to impoverished nations.

Objective 2: ACT

What Would Victoria Do?

Objective 3: IMAGINE

The world in 2021 is a world where in globalization is at its highest peak. Robots being experimented back in the late 90's are now more technologically advanced and performs no longer different from humans except that these robots are smarter, more skilled, more efficient and faster in completing jobs. They have slowly been replacing the secondary-labor workers and became threats to the capital-intensive or primary-labor workers which are composed of humans. Human laborers are starting to protest against these highly-advanced machines. "The Terminator Series" and other related movies now make sense.

Scientific breakthroughs are prevalent, such as the development of medicine. Along with the improvement of medicine, different diseases and viruses spread across borders. "The Resident Evil Film Series" might make sense too, sometime in 2050.

The Internet and social networking sites are the primary sources of media, newspapers deemed as obsolete. Schooling and office works through the internet are preferred rather than going to schools and the office to do jobs.

The Global North countries are now termed as "safe havens" by the Global South, for they provide needs that are inadequate in some of the Global South countries which are the "needs-improvement-zones", where diseases, poverty and insecurities are prevalent. Some of the countries in the Global South have risen to poverty and are part of the wealthy nations. 

The United States and China are in danger of starting World War III because of disagreements and unsettled disputes, mainly regarding China's expansion of territory and development of nuclear weapons. The Global South would be vulnerable and might generate more casualties mostly because it will become the battlegrounds of the war. And that is the tyranny of geography of the Global South.

Mission 1 Accomplished